Sunday 11 October 2009


So we all now the ever increasing popularity of twitter and many of us have been embracing it for self promotion, new business and indeed Social Media marketing for some time and, like me you will no doubt have experienced its power and how it can increase awareness of your messages.

For example, prior to my departure from Sledge, Google analytics was showing that the main drivers to the site were the following:

  1. Google
  2. Experiencethis/Twitter
  3. Ian Irving Blog
  4. Bing

And the hit figures from no’s 2 & 3 were pretty impressive, thus proving how powerful and cost efficient social media can be for business.

So, all this said… I was interested to read today of the forthcoming release of a rather interesting example of how Twitters USP has transcended into the more tangible world of literature. November sees everyone’s favourite publisher Penguin, release Twitterature… the worlds greatest books in 140 characters.

If for no other reason, as with any Penguin classic, it’s worth a purchase just for its achingly cool sleeve designs.

"A tool to aid the digestion of great literature" Says The Guardian

Buy it here

This got me thinking about the numerous speaking engagements I have coming up and perhaps I should consider taking this 140-character thing on board and see how I can adapt my Experiential Marketing presentations to meet this ever-increasing trend… Not groundbreaking thinking I know but I’m going to give it a shot anyway.