Sunday 26 April 2009

Entertainment and the Recession...

I have been waxing lyrical of late about the fortunate opportunities that the current unfortunate economic downturn will afford our industry particularly in terms of the need for more Live Experiences closer to home and across our wonderful nation.

You see, I totally buy into the thought that consumers of all demographics will still seek out and in fact need ‘Experiences’ (more than ever!) and these Experiences are far more likely to be here at home now that we’re all feeling the effects of this economic ‘Blip’ ‘Glich’…Nightmare!!

Less money is likely to be spent traveling to Europe and the rest of the world and we Brits will be thinking ‘Less is More’ and looking to other options in terms of entertainment. Festivals and Live Brand experiences in theory should be holding their own this summer and brands should realize the factors involved and stay brave.

For examples of new and interesting things to do here at home in wonderful England, check out and then for the more culture focused check out