Wednesday 3 February 2010

O2 Winning awards in the finance sector already...

I was with a potential client from Natwest yesterday discussing opportunities to create deeper and more immersive customer experiences based around the products and services on offer, in the meeting O2 was brought up by the client as an example of a brand that pioneers great customer experience around what is effectively an invisible commodity and Natwest wish to emulate what O2 has achieved in terms of customer engagement and loyalty.

You may or may not be aware of the relationship between O2 and Natwest but it is one that has already proven to be an award winning collaboration with O2 picking up two finance industry awards last night. The following video gives some insight into why the mobile market leader has taken a step into this volatile market place and is already reaping the rewards, as an O2 customer and a HUGE fan of the brand and its methods of consumer marketing I will be signing up to the service this week and i will keep you posted on the benefits from a consumer perspective.

Well done O2.

Its worth mentioning however that it is not all plain sailing for what was the UK's favorite supplier, it appears that it might not have the standout I thought according to the Marketing Magazine article I just read.